Meet Our Agents

Alexandra Scott

Travel Agent

Alexandra has been working with MAKE Travel agency for 20 years now and has helped hundreds of people and families find their dream destination. Alexandra, mother of four, has traveled to all seven continents with her entire family. She knows the best family-friendly spots!

Emily Kemp

Travel Agent

Emily Kemp, currently a graduate student at the University of Michigan, is one of the newest members of our team. Emily was born and raised in England and moved to the states at the age of 17. She is obsessed with her hometown and is very knowledgable when it comes to European travel.

Ken Stephens

Travel Agent

Adventurous, funny, friendly- Ken Stephens is the shining light in the office every morning. As a child, Ken moved 5 times and lived in 5 different states before the age of 15. He graduated from Harvard University in 2005 with a degree in Business and joined the MAKE team as a passion project after selling his mutli-billion dollar company in 2018.

Mallory Folliard

Travel Agent

Mallory, a current fourth year at the University of Alabama, is one of our part time team members. When she is not tailgating in Tuscaloosa, she is making a positive impact to our team. Mallory went to boarding school in Sydney, Australia and studied abroad for a semester in Barcelona. She loves all things traveling and is super helpful to people looking for places with great nightlife and action.